StarWars Retrospective - Leia Reunion?

This is one of those weird pictures that just catches the imagination. What is going on here? It has the look of a sixth form class photo with the form teacher at the back. (click to enlarge)

I found this in my researches for an article on Weird Sci-fi Glamour (click to read). I didn't use it in the article although it would have fitted in pretty well.

Although I've never been a great fan of Starwars you have to envy the guy at the back just a little.

IPOD, Pirates and Fakes?

Here is an early advert for an Apple IPOD. Or is it?

Kind of looks like an early transistor radio got the Photoshop treatment. But what do you think?

I spend many happy hours in the UK listening to AM pirate radio on one of these. Lots of static but very exciting. In those days the UK was surrounded by around 20 ships broadcasting pop music illegally. The government caved in in the end and allowed commercial radio on land.

If I were a Man I'd Join the Navy

This is a strange poster by today's standards.

It shows how much times have changed. This is so sexist. The implication is that only real MEN are fit for the Navy. Women can only dream.

Certainly at least 20% of the crew on a typical British Royal Navy vessel are now women. Arguably its a more grown up environment as a result.

Massive Interest in Horned Gramophone

I'm amazed how interested you guys out there are in the horned gramophone I recently posted (April 26) which plays 78 records. Due to popular demand here is another shot of the same 'model'.

Aria (the lady in old-fashioned underwear) is demonstrating the deployment of the horn. A beautiful piece of equipment. They don't just make them like that any more!

About Me

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I’m an Engineer and Training Analyst who has given up full time work to pursue my own interests. Part of my strategy to manage my income, in these days of UK pension freedoms, has been to move into Peer to Peer Lending. I’ve therefore created a blog to share my experiences, good and bad, of this exciting and lucrative new industry.