Girls and Technology

I've justy found a picture that shows women embracing new technology. Not exactly the Apple Ipad but never mind.  This is the heart and soul of RetroTech (ie women and old technology).  Anyway, moving on swiftly, its great to have a break from work at Easter.

The break has given me time to catch up with some online writing.  I've just joined a new site called Redgage.  Useful for linkbuilding (links are Dofollow).  It is also easy to navigate around and contains lots of people from HubPages.

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About Me

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I’m an Engineer and Training Analyst who has given up full time work to pursue my own interests. Part of my strategy to manage my income, in these days of UK pension freedoms, has been to move into Peer to Peer Lending. I’ve therefore created a blog to share my experiences, good and bad, of this exciting and lucrative new industry.