StarWars Retrospective - Leia Reunion?

This is one of those weird pictures that just catches the imagination. What is going on here? It has the look of a sixth form class photo with the form teacher at the back. (click to enlarge)

I found this in my researches for an article on Weird Sci-fi Glamour (click to read). I didn't use it in the article although it would have fitted in pretty well.

Although I've never been a great fan of Starwars you have to envy the guy at the back just a little.

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I’m an Engineer and Training Analyst who has given up full time work to pursue my own interests. Part of my strategy to manage my income, in these days of UK pension freedoms, has been to move into Peer to Peer Lending. I’ve therefore created a blog to share my experiences, good and bad, of this exciting and lucrative new industry.